Training and development

Teacher professional development

FLENK offers tailored half- or full-day training for teachers, early learning educators, gallery staff and volunteers to build their skills in:

  • facilitating learning experiences with contemporary art

  • creating culturally safer spaces for participants and colleagues

  • furthering skills in creative practice including open ended play experiences, printmaking, textiles and storytelling through digital tools

Year 12 artmaking – Body of Work

We offer a special, full-day intensive workshop for year 12 students starting their Body of Work.

Students work with practising artists and develop important creative strategies for beginning and developing their Body of Work. This workshop is an opportunity for students to create a solid set of starting points through process-based experimentation and research of concepts, techniques and materials.

Contact us for a training brief and quote

“I took a creative risk by being artistic; I don't see myself as being creative and used to worry about what was being made.”

Teacher from Granville Public School at a
FLENK-led professional development workshop

Five adults sitting outside, writing and drawing in concentration.
Five adults sitting outside, writing and drawing in concentration.
Four adults listening and thinking with smiles on their faces.
Four adults listening and thinking with smiles on their faces.
Eight adults sitting on the ground making patterns with colourful yarn.
Eight adults sitting on the ground making patterns with colourful yarn.

Participants and FLENK facilitators at the ‘Occurrent Affair’ symposium. Photos courtesy and © MGNSW and Jacquie Manning